Whether you are taking the tent, the camper trailer, caravan or swagging it.
Don’t forget the Camp Oven.
The camp oven will be the thing that will make the bread, yes bread that everyone will envy.
Sure, damper is good but bread in the camp oven is a whole other story.
It’s crusty outside and soft inside and the smell is intoxicating!
Read on for our North Storm® best bread recipe!
Not that hard to do and your friends will think you are amazing.
Just don’t tell them it was actually super easy. ;)

Where and when you choose to go camping will determine if you can have a campfire or not.
However, you will need a fire!
So summer time fire ban seasons will be a big no no for this recipe unfortunately.
Perfect for a delicious winter or cooler months camp meal though.
So once you have your fire going it’s the coals that will be used for your baking.
It is always a good idea to carry dry yeast and bread making flour for a camping trip.
Make sure that your ingredients remain dry by placing them in a North Storm® Dry Bag.
Dry Bags are not just to keep clothes dry or keep dust out.
They are great for dry foods too.
Especially if travelling up North or where there is a lot of humidity i.e. tents, boats etc.
Furthermore, Dry Bags will also keep bugs out, they’ll have no chance of getting in there either.

- Camp Oven – Medium size is best
- North Storm Dry Bag
- Medium sized mixing bowl
- Glad Wrap or plastic bag
- Fire
- Shovel
- Car
- 3 1/3 cups flour (bread making flour)
- 1 sachet (7 gm) Dry Yeast
- 1 1/3 cups warm Water
- 2 teaspoons Sugar
- 1 tablespoon Oil
- 2 teaspoons Salt
Place the warm water in a bowl, add sugar and yeast.
Take a fork and whisk briskly.
Add ⅓ cup of the flour and then add the oil and mix.
Add remaining flour and salt and knead well with clean hands until the dough feels silky smooth.
Place dough in the oiled bowl and cover with gladwrap / cling wrap.
*(if you don't have a bowl big enough on hand at camp, you can place the dough in a plastic bag)
Place this bowl on the floor of the warm car and leave it till doubled in size.
Once doubled, rework dough for 30 seconds and then place into the camp oven.
Then with a wet hand gently pat the top of dough until moist then put the lid on.
Again place the camp oven on the floor of a warm car.
Leave the dough here until it has almost doubled in size.

When ready to bake, remove a couple of shovels of coals from the fire and make a separate bed of coals.
Let’s call it Area-2.
Make sure Area-2 is a metre or so away from the campfire.
Ensure Area-2 is in a safe place and prepped with a circle of rocks.
Place the camp oven onto the bed of coals in Area-2.
Pile 2 or 3 more shovels on top of the lid.

When you remove the bread you want to be able to tap on the bottom and it should sound drummy or hollow.
Cooking time varies according to wind and the heat of your coals.
Typical cooking time is approx. 20 mins – 25 mins.
When ready, cool it and eat it up! Yum!

We hope you enjoy the North Storm® best bread recipe for camping!
Let us know on our socials if you had a go at this?
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